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overcoming objections

Enhancing Sales Strategies with Empathy: Building Long-lasting Customer Relationships

March 21, 20243 min read

Overcoming Objections: Nailing "I Want to Think About It"

Sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and small business owners understand that the road to closing a deal is often paved with obstacles. Among the most common is when a potential client or customer responds with, "I want to think about it."

While this might seem like a polite objection, it can also be a pivotal moment in your sales process. This blog post aims to equip you with strategies to handle this objection effectively, ensuring that you're prepared to turn hesitation into commitment.

Understanding the Stance

When a prospect expresses the need to ponder their decision, it's not necessarily a negative response. It signifies they're considering your offer seriously, which is precisely where you want them to be. Here's how to dig deeper without pushing them away.

Empathy First

Use an approach centered on understanding and empathizing. For example:

"Of course you want to think about it. I would too if I was making this decision. It's really important to me that you have all the information you need. May I review one critical element with you right now to ensure that you have all the information that you need because if I was in your shoes, I would want to know this as well?"

This response addresses the prospect's need for space while positioning you as a helpful advisor rather than a pushy salesperson.

Empathy is not just a key in overcoming objections like "I want to think about it," but it's also a crucial element in building strong, trust-based relationships with prospects and customers. Demonstrating empathy shows that you respect their decision-making process and that you're not merely focused on making a sale, but are genuinely interested in ensuring the solution fits their needs.

This approach can significantly reduce the emotional distance between you and the prospect, making them feel understood and supported. When prospects feel this level of understanding, they're often more open to sharing their true concerns and objections, giving you a valuable opportunity to address these issues directly and effectively.

Focus on Their Comfort

Another empathetic response could be:

"Absolutely, taking time to think things over is really important. I want to ensure you feel 100% comfortable with your decision, whichever direction you decide to go. It's all about what's best for you at the end of the day.. And if I may, there is one more thing that you may find important as well.."

This response puts the prospect's comfort and need for information at the forefront, highlighting your role as a supportive and understanding guide through their decision-making process. It also subtly opens the door for them to voice any particular concerns or questions they might have, which can be pivotal in moving the conversation forward.

Beyond immediate problem-solving and relationship building, embedding empathy into your sales approach has long-term benefits that can significantly impact your business's success. Empathetic interactions lead to stronger, loyalty-based relationships with customers, encouraging not just repeat business but also generating valuable word-of-mouth referrals.

In conclusion, weaving empathy into your sales strategy isn't just about making a one-time sale; it's about building enduring relationships that stand the test of time and change. By genuinely connecting with your customers, understanding their needs, and addressing their concerns, you create a solid foundation of trust and loyalty.

So how can you close the sale once you are done providing that final detail?

Simply make what you are about to say next a statement versus a question. Instead of asking "What are you thinking now?" simply say the following statement "Now that looks good to me, how about you!" (with your tone of voice going down on the word "You"). By using this technique, you are guiding the conversation towards a clear decision point and making it easier for the prospect to say yes.

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